organic essential oils

Top 3 Organic Essential Oil Buying Tips

In holistic health and wellness, essential oils are now experiencing a revival, with supporters praising their advantages for everything and their efficacy in treating anything from stress and anxiety to nausea and pain. However, knowing how to choose the best essential oil and use it properly is vital if you’re thinking about trying them out yourself. I

In essence, organic essential oils are extracts from plants, and they are created by steaming or pressing different plant components (flowers, bark, leaves, or fruit) to extract the chemicals that give off a scent. Meanwhile, the terms “pure” and “organic” are the most crucial ones to search for when purchasing essential oils. Use only pure extract essential oils without artificial fragrances since they have the desired therapeutic effects. Aromatherapists warn that inferior oils might cause more damage than benefits. So here are some critical things to consider to make a worthwhile purchase:

1. Use the Direct Inhalation Approach

Inhaling the aroma of essential oils is the finest and safest method to use them. So if you’re starting, try the inhalation approach with a candle, stick of incense, or spray of essential oils. You may purchase a sample of essential oil bottles and sniff them sometimes during the day. Additionally, you may apply a few drops of oil to a cotton ball and store it in a little jar. As such, the best way to know is to elevate your sense of smell. So you may open and smell the oil whenever you want to relax or clear your mind.

2. Storage Matters

Larger essential oil volumes are sometimes supplied in non-glass containers when purchased online to prevent breakage and lower shipping costs. However, essential oils tend to break down plastic bottles, which might hasten the decline in oil quality. So, unless you want to utilise the essential oil immediately, move any essential oils you get in plastic or transparent glass to dark-coloured glass bottles. As such, having extra empty bottles on hand is a smart move. And if you buy from a provider who ships in plastic, find out how long the oil was kept there before being shipped.

3. Observe the Label

The standard and Latin names of the plant used to create the oil should be stated explicitly. It must also specify the plant components utilised, how they were harvested, and how they were cultivated (aka organic, wild-crafted, traditional). Additionally, the label should state that it is “100% pure essential oil” and identify the net contents. And if it reads “essence oil,” it usually refers to a premixed combination of essential oil(s) in a foundation of carrier oil rather than a pure essential oil (like jojoba). Although it is not pure essential oil, this is excellent for some uses. But if you’re looking for pure essential oil, the ingredient list on the label should only include one and provide a complete description of all constituents.

It’s crucial to develop your ability to spot deceptive brands and misleading marketing since essential oil suppliers won’t advertise that they provide inferior or mixed essential oils. So, try to find organic essential oils that are offered in dark glass bottles with clear labels that provide:

  • The Latin name.
  • The types of plant parts utilised.
  • The kind of extraction.
  • The growth process.
  • The net contents.
  • The country of origin.

As such, you may avoid plastic bottles, labels with ambiguous or little information (or ones with pictures of an entirely unrelated plant to the one it claims to be!), and anything with the term “fragrance oil.”

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