How to Turn Your Book into a Best Seller

How to Turn Your Book into a Best Seller

Are you thinking about the secret behind writing a bestseller? When it comes to fiction books, we are talking about suspense. You need something that has your readers fully engaged so they cannot put down the book but must read it from the beginning to the end.

However, once you have written a book that offers the reader exactly what they were expecting when they picked up the book – the question remains how to turn your book into a bestseller – there are a few things you will need to do.

So, you want to become a best-selling author, and you know that you first need to write a really good book. You will want to write that kind of book that people are going to talk about and share with their friends and family.

Ideally, your book should create a ripple effect – and whether you opt for self publishing or opt to go with a traditional publisher, you should make no mistakes as the quality of your book will determine the sale of each one of your copies.

Invest Time in Book Marketing

You will need to invest proper time in your book marketing – at least for a certain period. Just understand the simple fact that your final result will be specifically about your input. If you want to transform your book into a best-selling book, you will need to get your book in front of as many people in as many ways as possible.

And there are various ways you can do so – you might want to talk about your book to your friends and family – or you could share it on social media. If you have a community of people following you or your blogs online – you might want to share your launch with them.

The people that you have worked with before can be anyone – for instance; it could be your colleagues or clients (if you have written non-fiction). It can, however, also be acquaintances who might be interested in your book.

If you have written a book about a specific industry, you might want to let those people know who are from the industry about your book.

Opt for Traditional Press

Understandably, we live in a digital era where digital marketing has taken things by storm – but one should never underestimate the power and authority of the digital press.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word traditional press? Yes, you got it right. We are talking about traditional newspapers, television broadcasts, magazines, and radio.

The underlying trick to benefit from the traditional press is all about timings. You will need to reach out to the traditional press before the book launch. Once you get the timings right, you might find that the traditional press is a real needle mover in the initial sales that your books make.

Get Reviews

You will have an easy time getting reviews from potential friends and family – but how will you get reviews from the people who don’t know you personally but still pick up your book? You get the point – you will need a strategy to encourage people to leave reviews.

And the strategy can be something as simple as generating some purchase bonuses. For instance, you could send your initial buyers a personalized thank you email. The email should include a thank you note for picking up the book.

Subsequently, tell them how much you value their support and include links for purchase bonuses. Lastly, ask them for their further support by kindly reviewing your book on Amazon or social media.

The consequent reviews will help push your book up in the rankings and hence enable more people to discover, buy, and review your book.

This circle of your book life is more likely to continue and eventually make it a best-selling book.

Launch a Live Broadcast

Another way to make your book a best-seller is by launching an online party for your online community. Believe it or not but virtual parties are an excellent way to promote your book online.

All you need to do is to initiate a live broadcast and talk about the book – you can touch on different aspects during the live talk, such as why you wrote the book in the first place, who the book is meant for, and what your readers can gain from the book.

You might as well tease your ideal readers by giving them a glimpse into what they can expect from the book – you might as well read them an excerpt from the book. Even better, you can offer a discount and run a competition for those who make a purchase during the live broadcast.

You can also use the live broadcast or virtual party as a marketing platform by asking people to post about the book launch or the live broadcast on social media to spread the word – you will be amazed to see how brilliantly marketing strategies like these can work in your favor.

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Record a Podcast

Find out about a couple of relevant podcasts and get yourself onto them. The podcasts will have an enormous impact on the launch of your book. However, we cannot stress enough the importance of the relevancy of the podcasts.

For obvious reasons, it is pointless to spend one hour after the other on interviews by a bunch of podcasts if their audience isn’t a good fit for the ideal reader you wrote the book for.

The Takeaway

If you want to become a bestselling author, you will want to focus on quality first. It doesn’t matter whether you are traditional-publishing or self-publishing; your book should offer to the readers what they expect when they read the hook or the cover title of your book.

As an average book sells a few hundred copies before it fades out, you have to understand that the quality of your book determines whether it is worth selling thousands of copies or not.

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