Kids Bike Helmet

Things to Know Before you Shop for Kids Bike Helmet

You must have heard the adage, “It is better to be safe than sorry.” Accidents can occur anytime, they never knock on your door before they hit you. Your safety on the road is in your hands, so is your child’s. When it comes to your child, you cannot help but worry about how safe your child is when playing outdoors. If your kid asks to ride a bicycle around your backyard, the first thing that might come to your mind is how you can assure your child’s safety. Isn’t it? The most viable solution to set all your worries aside is the Kids Bike Helmet.

A bike helmet can undoubtedly be a lifesaver for your child and help you make sure your child has had fun riding his favourite bike without getting injured. Wearing the right helmet reduces the chances of head injury, but remember, it has to be the right fit. If it does not fit properly or is not worn correctly, it may not protect your child from injury.

Here are the three important questions you should be asking about kid’s helmets.

  1. Which bike helmet is good for kids- hard shell or soft shell?

As the name suggests, hard shell helmets have a hard outer shell made of plastic that prevents sharp objects from penetrating in a crash. These types of helmets are more sturdy and tend to be heavier and warmer than their counterparts.

Soft shell helmets have no hard outer layer and are made up of an extra thick layer of polystyrene covered with a surface coating or cloth cover. These are lightweight but are less durable than the hard shell versions.

The best helmet for kids is not necessarily the one that looks good, it is the one your child is likely to wear. If it looks cool but feels uncomfortable, your child is less likely to keep it on his head. So it will be a waste of money.

  1. What does it mean to have a perfectly fitted helmet?

While shopping for kids, you look for ones your child will “grow into”, but when buying a helmet, it should fit your child right now. Here’s what to look for:

Size and position

  • Make sure it has a snug fit all around so that it gives your child a comfortable fit.
  • It sits perfectly and low but not too low. There should be only one or two finger gaps above the eyebrows, and the back of the helmet should not touch your child’s neck.
  • It should not be moving sideways or back to front on your child’s head.

Side and chin straps

  • The left and right straps should be adjustable conveniently as and when required.
  • Remember, your child should always use the chin strap; otherwise, the helmet will come off in a crash.
  1. How to buy a fitted helmet for your child?

Here are some tips to buy the right helmet for your child. Continue reading!

  • Try it on your child

A helmet is just like a pair of clothes; two helmets that look similar can fit differently. Make sure when your child is shaking his head, looking around, or looking up, the helmet should not move or slip.

  • Check for certifications

The label should show AS/NZS 2063 certification and issuer as SAI Global. This will assure you that the Kids Bike helmet has been tested for safety and meets Australian standards.

The bottom line

Knowing about Bicycle-related injuries, it is always better to drill good habits in your child at an early stage because there is no denying that habits formed early are harder to break. Nobody-not you, not your child, nor a professional cyclist can tell when a crash can happen and to whom. You better get the right gear for your child to protect their noggins before they take to the streets.

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