Prolong The “Holiday Effect” With Photos On Canvas!

Do not fear: you are not the only one. We understand that right now you are not exactly like to shoot rockets. Here too, in the newsroom, we sigh behind the screens and desks thinking about the beaches we have left behind, the summer aperitifs with friends and the romantic walks with our better half. But let’s stop being sad: we have an idea! We know how to extend the “holiday effect” considerably longer!

What do we have left of our travels, besides all those good memories? No, we are not talking about the souvenir you brought your aunt! Think about it: we have hundreds of photos that immortalize the most beautiful and happy moments, we have saved them on our cameras and on our smartphones. Bingo! This is what you can do with them: you can delight yourself with fantastic sensations by looking at the photos!

A simple look at these snapshots can make us laugh, make us excited, help us relive fun moments or the relaxation of a beach. Think how great it would be to be able to continue enjoying these emotions for longer. And it’s possible! How? Very easy: you can print these unique moments on fabric and use them to fill your home with color and emotion, give a more cheerful touch to your office or make a unique and unexpected gift to the person with whom you spent the holidays this year.

What is Canvas Fabric? And Why Is It Good To Print Your Photos On Canvas?

Before we go back to talking about your vacation photos, let’s open a little parenthesis on canvas fabric to tell you why your most precious images are worth printing on this material!

The paintings on canvas fabric are made of a fabric (similar to that of the old paintings painted in oil, to understand us) on which you can print your photos in large and small formats. The fabric is then mounted on a hoop and can be used in different spaces to decorate with a distinctly modern touch, without reflections or heavy frames!

High Resolution Photos

Be careful with the resolution! The only detail you should be aware of is using photos with a suitable resolution for printing. Always choose photos with the best possible resolution to ensure you get a “wow!” Proof result.

What do you think of this idea? We already feel a little better. Right now we are running to print a photo of our last adventure hiking trail to put it here in the newsroom! If you also want to print your photos on canvas fabric, take a look photo prints at ElephantStock catalog!

Relive The Emotions Of The Holidays All Year Round: Print The Best Snapshots On Canvas

Now, Let’s Go Back To Your Vacation Photos!

We give you some disinterested advice: don’t wait too long to download your photos, choose the best ones and proceed to print them. We know that just thinking about the hundreds (if not thousands) of images that you will have stored on your devices can create a bit of anxiety; But, if you let too much time pass since you returned from vacation, it will become increasingly difficult to select the photos you want to print and thus prevent them from falling into oblivion. You just have to think about how many photos you have lost in that chaos of USB memory sticks, the cloud, external hard drives and folders.

Have we convinced you? Making a little initial effort will allow you to enjoy the emotions that your vacation photos can infuse for a long time!Now, what photos can you choose? This is up to you, but we can give you some advice:

Photos That Excite You

Do not focus only on the aesthetic quality of the photo, but also on the emotion it arouses. In other words: you can print the photo of the alpine landscape that you took after a night in a refuge, with the goal of a thousand euros, but also a spontaneous photo stolen in a moment of happiness has every right to fill one of your walls with emotion. . Think about the memories you associate with that particular snapshot and what it means to you.

Photos That Match The Colors Of The Room

Also think about the colors! As we have said, canvas fabric adds a nice depth to the colors: think about where you want to place the fabric, in what colors are they already present in the room and in what type of room you are going to decorate. For example, in your kitchen the stolen photo that you took in that brightly colored oriental market would look really good … Or, maybe, a marine image that you managed to immortalize on a small island in Sicily … right?

Photos Of Custom Shapes And Dimensions

Play with the shape, the dimensions and the number of photos! Canvas fabrics are customizable. You can choose between different dimensions, from the smallest – suitable, for example, for portraits or photos taken with a good mobile – to the largest, perfect for photos of landscapes or the “skyline” of a city you have fallen in love with. this summer. You can create photo collages or split a photo across multiple fabrics to give it a nice moving effect. Anyway … unleash your fantasy!

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