Marine collagen powder


The term ‘collagen’ refers to a naturally made protein found in the human body used to create connective tissue and is regarded as the glue that binds the body together. The collagen production in your body reduces as you grow older and may lead to various symptoms such as a reduction in the skin’s elasticity, joint pains, and weak muscles and bones. Collagen supplements added to your diet may substitute what your body lacks at your age and give your body the right amount of collagen that it needs.

Marine collagen powder is extracted from fish’s skin and is said to be preferred over any other alternatives. In order to come up with innovative changes, we must first come up with new ideas and solutions. New research shows that industrial fisheries are responsible for dumping nearly 10 million tons of fully viable fish in the ocean every year, sufficient to fill 4500 Olympic-sized pools. This news comes at a time when almost 90 per cent of the world’s fish stocks are threatened by overfishing.

With the use of marine collagen powder, we can target many problems with one solution. Fish offers a more economical and environmentally safe option for companies as it is beneficial for health and helps reduce an enormous amount of waste caused by the disposal of fish skin.


  • Revitalises the skin

If you’re one to keep up with the latest beauty and skincare trends, you’ve probably heard of fish collagen. The collagen in the fish skin revitalises the skin and plays an essential role in strengthening and hydration. In a research conducted by experts, people who consumed fish collagen for ten weeks saw a change in the elasticity of their skin and experienced a considerable reduction in the dryness of their skin. Collagen supplies the body with protein that helps to reconstruct the skin. Collagen creams and cosmetics have become popular and more commonly known as people are being made aware of their benefits.

  • Luscious hair and nails

 Collagen has the ability to increase the growth of hair and nails. It strengthens hair from within, causing minor damage and breakage. It is known to reduce the brittleness of nails and cause stimulation in their growth.

  • Healthy Gut

A poor diet can damage the tissues in the intestines, which can cause severe inflammation and can even cause autoimmune diseases. Fish collagen is easily digestible and helps in the improvement of your gut due to the presence of amino acids glycine and glutamine that support the tissues in the intestine. Glycine reduces inflammation, while glutamine promotes the health of epithelial cells.

  • Relieves body aches

Consumption of collagen helps maintain the cartilage in your body and can improve arthritis and joint pain symptoms. Collagen accumulated in the cartilage stimulates the tissues of the body to produce collagen.  The presence of amino acids in collagen can help in building joint cartilage and reduces aches and pains related to aging.

While the research on collagen is still being conducted, there has been a rise in the demand for these products as people are being made aware of its benefits. People have been switching to these products as an alternative to other collagen products and have been experiencing effective results.  Companies have been taking steps to create sustainably sourced products and make sure their activities are respectful to planetary boundaries.

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